Tag Archives: Side Dishes

Top-Rated Recipes and Turkey Tips for your Thanksgiving Day Celebration

[tweetmeme source=”plassappliance”]Another Thanksgiving day celebration is upon us! It’s a time to be thankful and enjoy great food, fun, and family time with loved ones. But as we all know, hosting and preparing a Thanksgiving day celebration for your family and friends is no easy task. Whether you host the holiday every year, or perhaps you’ve never hosted and this is your first time having everyone over, it can sometimes be stressful situation. But don’t let the holiday hoopla get the best of you before the day is here. Through preparation and planning you too can host a terrific Thanksgiving day event.  Here are some great turkey tips and top-rated recipes to help you pull off an incredible Thanksgiving.

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7 Sure Fire Recipes to Take your Memorial Day Celebration to The Next Level

Yes that’s right, it’s Memorial Day weekend. A time to reflect, honor, and celebrate those that have done so much for this great Country of ours. I’m sure that many of you will be hosting or attending Memorial Day parties this weekend. Have you thought about what you’re going to bring to the festivities? If you haven’t, here are 7 Sure Fire Recipes set to Take your Memorial Day Celebration to the Next Level.

Pulled Pork: What would a Cookout Celebration be without some good BBQ! Here is a fantastic mouth-watering recipe for Pulled Pork by the one and only Mr. Alton Brown. Degree of difficulty on this recipe is labeled as EASY so whether you’re an expert in the kitchen or a novice, this can be done and ready for the party. Check out this Video of Alton making and explaining his Recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/videos/pulled-pork/32468.html

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