Tag Archives: Laundry Tips

15 Helpful Laundry Tips to try out in your Home

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Laundry, Laundry, we love Laundry! Laundry will never go away and will always be one tough task to catch up on. But don’t let Laundry get you down! Here are 15 Helpful Laundry Tips to try in your Home to maximize efficiency, increase energy savings, and lessen the load in your laundry basket.

1. As your laundry accumulates, pre-sort it into designated baskets for lights, darks and whites. This way, a load will be ready to throw in the washer whenever you have a minute to spare.

2. Pretreat stains: Tackle any stains before loading the washer. Presoak clothes from the “very dirty” basket for a half hour in the washer, a large bucket, or a sink.

3. While sorting, don’t forget to close zippers, clasp hooks and check pockets to prevent snags and avoid washing tissues, money, lipstick, etc. Read more…

10 Helpful Home Appliance Tips

[tweetmeme source=”plassappliance”]At one point or another, we could always use a helpful tip or two, especially when it comes to our Home Appliances. Here are 10 Helpful Home Appliance Tips for you to use to improve the efficiency of your appliances and your home, while lessening your workload around the house.

1. Always be sure to clean the Dryer filter after every use. This will allow the dryer to breathe better which will in turn allow your clothes to dryer faster.

2. Washing your clothes in cold water saves on energy and lowers your utility bills. Cold water also works best to lift out tough stains on treated pre-treated clothes.

3. To keep your Dishwasher running smoothly and working longer, run the Dishwasher once a week even if there are no dishes to be done.

4. Many Refrigerators have open coils at the back of unit. Clean these coils early and often, at a minimum every six weeks. If you have pets, like dogs that shed, you’ll want to clean the coils more often. This will allow the Refrigerator to breathe better and prolong the life span of the unit. Read more…